

You are a piece of art,

And you deserve to be celebrated as such.


your boudoir session

is a celebration of you in your truest form, exactly as you are. I make sure to create a safe, encouraging, and positive space in the studio for your to do just that. I’ll make sure you’re posed from head to toe in your sexiest lingerie, favourite t-shirt, or stripped down to your birthday suit! Have something else in mind? Bring it along!

The studio is designed with multiple backdrops and settings, but we can always venture out into the landscape. In the warmer Vancouver months, we can take your session on the road to the beach, through the trees, or to a secret spot that only you know about.

I want you to feel like an absolute star (because duh, you are). I make sure to have hair and makeup arranged and included in your session for the day of your shoot so you can get into the “zone” while you get glammed up. When your session is complete, you’ll have an online gallery to view yourself in all your glory, order prints, and start plotting which images to put in your own coffee table book and giant over-the-fireplace print (not required, but thoroughly encouraged).


Set up your complimentary session consultation